Helping Local Development Through Taiwan-Japan Exchange Workshop for Regional Revitalization

Release Date 20 Feb 2023 Mandarin
The I-Turn Regional Revitalization Program, an interdisciplinary program under NKUST Lin-Jia Friendly Fishing Environment USR project, launched a Taiwan-Japan exchange workshop for regional revitalization.
The workshop invited 8 students and 2 teachers from Kochi University and Chiba University in Japan to discuss an array of social issues, including low fertility, aging population, imbalanced development between city and country, local industry development, and community building movement.
The 6-day workshop was conducted in English, with lectures taught by teachers from Taiwan and Japan, off-campus visits, community engagement, and mission-based learning activities.
This workshop started from Feb 10 to 15 and arranged off-campus visits to Donggang Township and Liuqiu. Courses provided students with knowledge about sea turtle conservation and coastal ecological environment monitoring and protection.
Also, the workshop arranged community-engaged learning activities in fishing villages in Linbian Township and encouraged students to communicate with the local intergenerational co-housing community. In addition, the food and fishery education courses also enabled the University to build close ties with communities and students to serve locals with passion.
The workshop brought up topics about regional revitalization, transformative long-term engagement in fishing villages, and aquaculture marketing and invited scholars and experts to guide students in developing their action plans through problems faced by local fishing communities.
The workshop collaborated with faculty members from Taiwan and Japan’s universities that cared about local communities and society. Students of different nationalities have to form teams, attend intensive courses, and put what they learned into actual practice. Taiwanese and Japanese students exchanged their viewpoints throughout team discussions, which improved their communication skills and international perspective. At the end of the workshop, student teams came up with their best ideas and shared their results with everyone.
As Towards International Common Goods-Regional Caring Practice Competition (RCPC) is open for students from Taiwan, Japan, and Vietnam to apply till April 20, the workshop encourages participants with this workshop experience to join this activity. It is believed that the event can effectively cultivate international and interdisciplinary talents in the field of regional revitalization.
To register for RCPC, please email your application form to (Ariel Lin). If you have any questions, please contact competition staff directly by phone (07-3617141#23528).
Translated/Edited by Jess Lin