UP Symphony Orchestra’s Visit, UP President Awarded Honorary Doctorate by University

Release Date 10 Jan 2023 Mandarin
NKUST and the University of the Philippines System (UPS) held the Concert of Goodwill, a public welfare concert, in the International Conference Hall at Nantzu Campus on Jan 9. The next day, the University held the Honorary Doctorate Conferment Ceremony to the President of UPS, Dr. Danilo L. Concepcion, in the Arts Center at Jiangong Campus. It's certain that the two events enhanced the mutual academic exchange between UP System and NKUST, as well as the friendship between Taiwan and the Republic of the Philippines.
The University of the Philippines was established over a century and was one of the important higher educational institutions in the Philippines. Its Symphony Orchestra (UPSO), formed by university musicians also have been highly acclaimed and praised by the public.
The University was honored to invite the UPSO, who performed excellently in the Concert of Goodwill. The concert not only furthered the exchange and development of art and culture between the two universities but comforted the homesickness of Filipino students and workers in Taiwan while listening to their familiar hometown music.
“We not just encourage students and faculty members to further their study and research in their fields but consolidate the atmosphere and education of art and culture on the campus, with the hope of cultivating students becoming talents with technological skills, humanities, and aesthetic senses.”
“We not just encourage students and faculty members to further their study and research in their fields but consolidate the atmosphere and education of art and culture on the campus, with the hope of cultivating students becoming talents with technological skills, humanities, and aesthetic senses,” says President Yang, Ching-Yu.
The University felt that the public welfare concert could serve as a bridge in relations with neighboring communities. Thus, it invited students, faculty members, staff, guests, and most importantly, Filipino friends and workers to enjoy their familiar hometown music.
“We have spent a lot of time and energy consolidating art and culture education on every campus for five years. Meanwhile, our college has been dedicated to reforming our curriculum in order to prepare our students to be professional talents with diverse abilities and innovative thinking,” says General Education College Dean Yang, Pi-Lan.
Center for the Liberal Arts Chair Lin, Shi-Ling (林世凌) stated that the concert increased the exchanges of art and culture between the two universities, deepened reciprocal connections, and created more possibilities to bring the aesthetic value of the world to campus.
On Jan 10, the University held an honorary doctorate conferment ceremony for UP President Danilo L. Concepcion at the Arts Center at Jiangong Campus. NKUST President Yang helped Dr. Concepcion to wear the hood and trencher, presented him with the honorary doctorate certificate, and welcomed him as a distinguished member of the University. This memorable conferment of an honorary doctorate will be a significant event for enhancing the mutual academic exchange between the UP and NKUST as well as the friendship between Taiwan and the Republic of the Philippines.
In addition, to increase visual arts, musical and theatrical venues on all campuses, the University combined with features of each campus and designed many multi-function art spaces, featured art and humanities, and a living atmosphere that satisfied the needs of members of NKUST and local communities.
To facilitate the University’s development to be an elite international university, the University has been engaged in exchanges with international partners, signed memorandum of understandings (MoU), exchanged students, and organized various international events. Meanwhile, it continuously encouraged students to learn English and obtain relevant certificates.
Further Reading
University of the Philippines Symphony Orchestra(UPSO)
Translated/Edited by Jess Lin