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【Announcement】Distance Education Continues for Campus Safety

Release Date 18 May 2022

*Stay tuned for all the COVID-19-related notices on Campus News.* Check #University pandemic operations plan at the bottom.


We are in the second week of remote learning and teaching, and we want to appreciate all the hard-working teachers and students who are so supportive and engaged in all online courses.


Early this month, the CECC estimated that the domestic COVID-19 cases would peak in late May.

Based on the MOE policy released on May 16, the NKUST COVID-19 Prevention Team has decided that the University will continue to adopt distance education (DE) from May 23 until the end of this semester to protect the NKUST community members.


The following information is to help support students and faculty members while learning and teaching online. We strongly recommend all faculty members and students take necessary prevention actions: stay at home, take courses on distance learning platforms, and minimize the outdoor activities.


Quick Link: Courses that Cannot be Taught Online, List of Courses that Cannot be Taught Online, Faculty Members SupportSources of PoliciesContact Information


Courses that Cannot be Taught Online

Instructors MUST:


1. Discuss and reach an agreement with students to hold in-person classes at school.


2. Inform the course-related department for approval.



List of Courses that Cannot be Taught Online, Related COVID-19 Control Measures


1. All in-person courses will be released on this Google spreadsheet on May 23 for students to look up.


2. In-person classes shall follow necessary COVID-19 control measures:


   (1) If it’s possible, instructors should conduct courses with assigned seats for the students.


   (2) If it’s impossible to assign seats, instructors are requested to take a photograph of the seating arrangements for each class in case of future follow-up epidemic investigations.


   (3) Instructors should always wear masks while teaching.


   (4) Students must wear masks throughout the class period, sanitize their hands before entering the classroom, and not eat and drink in the classroom.


   (5) Classrooms should be well ventilated and cleaned regularly, and the equipment used in class must be properly disinfected.


Faculty Members Support

What do I need to prepare before an online class session?

  • Notify students which distance learning platforms will be used for the course.
  • Update syllabi or course outlines, including related course materials, weekly teaching progress, pedagogical methods, or assessment methods.
  • Post new course performance evaluation standards on the “Announcements” section of the course on MOOCs to make sure students have a better understanding of the new standards.

How can I notify students what distance learning platform I'll use?

You should log in to MOOCs to export students’ contact emails and send course DE notifications to students of classes. Please refer to this tutorial website.

What do I need to do to assist students while teaching online courses?

  • Keep in contact with students to monitor their learning and mental conditions.
  • Pay attention to students’ class attendance, online engagement, and academic performance.
  • Record online courses so that students will have access to remedial materials, and the video recordings can be used for teaching assessment.

How can I record my teaching videos?

  • You can record teaching videos by using the function of recording meetings on Google Meet or Microsoft Teams directly.
  • If you cannot use the recording function on the above tools may use the software EVERCAM to record your teaching videos. Evercam tutorial videos, please refer to this video.

NOTE: The attachment has a quick guide on Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, and Adobe Connect that helps you get familiar with the software.

How can I evaluate students’ academic performances?

The final exam will meet as scheduled but online during the final exam week.


For the final exam, there are multi-assessment methods, but all methods must be conducted with fairness and communication with your students.


You may request an online exam, open-book online exam, online oral presentation, or online oral test; or you may request students submit reports.


Sources of Policies

Instructors who conduct DE must have to abide by the MOE policy at the bottom, pay close attention to students’ course participation, explain to students how their performance will be evaluated clearly, and keep relevant records of their online lecturing for assessment basis.


For other teaching activities related to pandemic prevention measures, please refer to the MOE Classroom Prevention Control Guidance for Colleges and Universities announced on May 3.

Contact Information

The Teaching Services Division of OAA (Chinese): ext. 31152; email: sunny614@nkust.edu.tw.

Further Reading

MOE's Notice Governing Exercises for Colleges’ and Universities’ Suspension and Resumption of Classes in Response to COVID-19 and Teaching Adjustments for the Epidemic Prevention Response Measures

Wrote/Translated by Jess Lin

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